How to deposit funds into a liquidity pool

Step 1 - Go to Valora's home page and tap on Discover

Step 2 - Go to the stablecoin earnings card

Tap Earn on your stablecoins.

Step 3 - Deposit funds into the liquidity pool

  1. Enter the amount of funds you want to deposit. Tap Continue.
    1. If you do not have sufficient funds, you will be given the option to Buy, Transfer, or Swap the correct funds into your wallet. Once you have the required token, return to this page to continue your deposit.
  2. Review the deposit details for accuracy, and confirm that you can pay for the gas fees.
    For a limited time, Valora is covering this fee.
  3. Tap Complete.
  4. That’s it! You will see a transaction in your activity feed labeled “Deposited.” You can manage your pool from the Discover page.
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