Sending to Valora from Coinbase

Transactions are irreversible. Follow our best practices to avoid loss of funds.
Please note that if you are sending CELO, this is listed as CGLD on Coinbase.


Step 1 - Locate and copy your Valora address

  1. Open Valora
  2. Copy your Valora wallet address by tapping on it in your Valora menu.
    Tip: If you are accessing Coinbase on another device, send your Valora address to that device using email or other messaging platforms.

Step 2 - Send funds from Coinbase

Tip: If it is cost-effective, consider sending a test transaction to avoid lost funds.

Mobile app

  1. Open your Coinbase app and tap Send.
  2. Select the token you want to send.
  3. Paste your Valora wallet address in the To box and tap Continue.
  4. Enter the amount and tap Preview.
  5. Confirm the information is correct and tap Send now.


  1. In Coinbase, navigate to your My assets page on the main navigation bar

  2. Click the token you want to send.

  3. Click the Send & Receive button at the top of your screen. On smaller screens, click on Wallet, then the Send button.

  4. In the send dialog, enter your Valora wallet in the To field.

  5. Enter the amount of you'd like to send in the Amount field. Alternatively, you can specify the amount you would like to send in your local currency. Note that the funds will always be sent as cryptocurrency, not your local currency.

  6. Select Continue

  7. Confirm the details of the transaction and complete the send*. Depending on your security setup, you may be prompted for your PIN and/or 2-step verification code.

We try to keep our articles up to date. However, third parties may update their interface and we may not immediately notice the changes. If this article appears out of date, please refer to Coinbase’s help center for more accurate step-by-step instructions.
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